Dr. Mourad Ouzzani
Mourad Ouzzani is the Research Director of the Research Engineering Group whose mission is to productize QCRI's research. The group has produced several products some of which have been commercialized through different channels. These include SIHA, a system for integrated health analytics, QARTA, an AI-enabled map engine, Zaman, a smart bilingual news app for the Arab world, SAQR a social media analytics platform with a focus on Arabic, Fehris, a powerful personal content management system, and NxPalin, a system for explainable, transparent, and Fair AI.
Mourad conducts research in data management and analytics with a focus on data integration, data cleaning, and more recently data-centric AI. Mourad has played a key role in establishing the data analytics group (now QCAI) within QCRI. He was the project lead of Rayyan, the leading systematic reviews web and mobile app, which is being used by more than 250K users worldwide. Rayyan has since graduated from QCRI to a startup, Rayyan Systems Inc. Mourad’s research work has led to numerous publications in top tier venues including PVLDB, TKDE, SIGMOD, and ICDE. Mourad has been PI or CoPI in more than 15 grant proposals funded by NSF, NIH, DHS, and other funding agencies.