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Dr. Muammer Koç


Dr. Muammer Koç is a Founding Professor of Sustainability. Previously, he held the positions of professor, director, chair, and dean at universities in Turkey and the US. He has a Ph.D. degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Ohio State University, US (1999) and an Executive MBA degree from the University of Sheffield, UK (2014). His research and teaching interests are in sustainable development, knowledge economy, education & innovation systems, design thinking, organizational and social efficiency, near-zero waste policies and technologies, as well as renewable energy, and additive manufacturing/3DP. Dr. Koç has 400+ publications in various international journals and conferences; published five books; organized, chaired, and co-chaired various international conferences, workshops, and seminars on design, manufacturing, and product development. In addition to his academic and educational activities, he provides consulting services to industry, government, and educational institutes for strategic transformation, business optimization, organizational efficiency, lean operations, restructuring, and reengineering initiatives.
