Dr. Omar Muhammad Khan
Omar Muhammad Khan is an Assistant Professor at the College of Health and Life Sciences at Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Dr. Khan completed his Master's in Biochemistry from Karachi University, Pakistan before moving to Sweden where he did a Masters in Molecular Cell Biology from Uppsala University, and then a PhD in the lab of Prof. Martin Bergo, a protein lipidation expert. In Bergo's lab, he identified the biochemical importance of the protein lipidation enzyme GGTase-I in immune cell function. He refuted the popular idea that GGTase-I can be a therapeutic target against inflammatory conditions.
After finishing his PhD, he moved to The Francis Crick Institute (London) in Dr. Axel Behrens's Lab, where he worked on identifying the posttranslational regulators of a tumor suppressor protein FBW7 and mechanisms of chemotherapy resistance in cancer. Dr Khan’s postdoc work highlighted the importance of protein ubiquitylation and protein turnover in colorectal cancer. He found that FBW7 which is a tumor suppressor, is posttranslationally downregulated in several colorectal cancers. These findings challenge the popular belief that only somatic loss of function mutations can contribute to cancer development.