Dr. Paul Grimshaw
Paul is currently an Associate Professor and the Division Head for Exercise Science, Health and Epidemiology (ESHE) at the College of Health and Life Sciences at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar. Following a PhD in biomedical engineering in 1987 from the University of Salford, UK, he has lectured in biomechanics, anatomy, and research methods for the past 36 years. He has worked at three Universities in the UK (Brunel, Edinburgh, and Exeter) and two in Australia (School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia and School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide (UoA)) before joining HBKU in 2021. He has also worked at Halmstad University in Sweden.
His research interests include injury prevention/mechanism of injury and sports performance/technology in golf and athletics; low back pain; gait analysis in children and adults and quantitative assessment of human knee instability. At the University of Adelaide, he was the School's Director of Research (2015), Director of Learning and Teaching (2017), Director of Engagement (2018-2020) and the Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Engineering (mechanical and sports) 4-year undergraduate professional degree (2009-2018), which was the first of its kind within Australia (established in 2008). To date he has been involved in the authorship of 138 refereed research articles and has successfully graduated 15 higher degrees by research students (PhD and MS by research).